The 教育目标 (PEOs) of the Metallurgical 和 Materials 工程 Program are to produce graduates who achieve some of the following within five years of receiving their Bachelor of Science 学位:


  1. 练习M&我的专业表现如下
    1. 继续从事专业工作;
    2. 升职,和/或
    3. 扩大职业责任
  2. 获得专业注册
    1. 专业工程师(PE)
    2. 合格专业人员(QP),和/或
    3. 专业认证
  3. 完成高级硕士学位&机电工程或相关领域
    1. 理学硕士(MS)
    2. 工程硕士,
    3. 博士学位(PhD或ScD)
  4. 继续专业发展,通过
    1. 社会成员和参与;
    2. 工商管理硕士(MBA)
    3. Continuing education through seminars 和 leadership training in Project Management, 健康与安全, 以及其他与职业相关的领域, 和/或
    4. 与工程相关的志愿服务.


The Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical 和 Materials 工程 curriculum was developed in consonance with ABET criteria to ensure its graduates have the abilities to:

  1. 识别, 制定, 和 solve complex Materials Science 和 工程 problems by applying principles of engineering, 科学, 和数学
  2. apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, 安全, 和福利, 以及全球, 文化, 社会, 环境, 经济因素
  3. 与广泛的受众进行有效的沟通
  4. recognize ethical 和 professional responsibilities in engineering situations 和 make informed judgments, 哪一个必须考虑工程解决方案在全球的影响, 经济, 环境, 以及社会背景
  5. 在团队中有效地发挥作用,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, 建立目标, 计划任务, 达到目标
  6. 发展和进行适当的实验, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论
  7. acquire 和 apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies
  8. 应用先进科学, 比如化学, 生物学, 和物理), 计算 techniques 和 engineering principles to materials systems implied by the program modifier, e.g.、陶瓷、金属、聚合物、生物材料、复合材料
  9. integrate the underst和ing of the scientific 和 engineering principles underlying the four major elements of the field: structure, 属性, 处理, 和 performance related to metallurgical 和 materials systems appropriate to the field, 和
  10. apply 和 integrate knowledge from each of the above four elements of the field using experimental, 计算, 和 statistical methods to solve materials problems including selection 和 design consistent with the program educational objectives.


  1. train students to underst和 a wide range of metallurgical 和 materials engineering applications 和 methods
  2. prepare students to adapt to an ever-changing world 和 its dem和 for minerals, 金属及材料, 和
  3. 为学生提供实用的, 通过众多实验课程的实践经验, 高级设计项目, 实地考察.

Students are encouraged to secure employment in metallurgical 和 materials engineering or related fields through summer internships 和 cooperative education programs. Internships 和 co-ops 为学生提供实用的 experience 和 helps guide their career choices, 支付大学费用, 并最终在毕业时提高他们的市场竞争力.


根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 2023年,材料工程师的平均年薪为104美元,100, 收入最高的10%的人收入超过165美元,580. 预计在2022年至2032年期间,就业率将增长5%, 哪个比所有职业的平均速度都快. 各种行业都有机会,其中矿物, 生产和消费金属和材料. 这些行业包括但不限于采矿业, 制造业, 石油, 铁/钢制作, 汽车, 回收, 化学物质, 论文/纸浆, 航空航天, 维护, 腐蚀, 和取证.


The placement statistics provided here come from annual surveys completed by graduates. This annual survey is conducted for the purpose of facilitating the career decisions of currently enrolled 和 prospective students. Placement data are based on responses received from the graduates who participated in the Montana Tech annual Graduate Surveys. 每年的班级由夏季、秋季和春季毕业生组成. 调查的一小部分是由第二手来源提供的. A conscientious effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the career information included in this report. Because of the cyclical nature of the businesses 和 industries for which Montana Tech trains its students, placement statistics from any one year should not be viewed as representative long-term permanent results. 年度毕业生调查应该, 而不是, be viewed only as an informational resource in the career-planning process. Please contact 职业服务 if you have any questions about the survey information. 如需更多资料,请浏览调查全文:


